What’s happening in the comedy world now…TRICK OR TREAT!
- I posted yesterday about the impending holes in NBC’s Thursday-night lineup for 2013, and yesterday, the network announced how it would fill them thar holes. Community’s fourth season will begin — yes, will begin — at 8 p.m. Thursdays on Feb. 7, 2013. As for the other shows coming back or starting up, 1600 Penn will pencil in at 9:30 p.m. Thursdays, while Parks and Recreation will shift an hour earlier to 8:30 p.m., where it used to reside. These changes happen Jan. 10 and Jan. 17, respectively. Meanwhile, senior citizens will continue to prank the kids when Betty White’s Off Their Rockers returns for a second season at 8 and 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays as of Jan. 8, keeping that hour filled until The Voice begins anew in the spring (as if the fall cycle has even reached the live show stages yet). That leaves comedy Save Me as the only new sitcom neither scheduled nor cancelled on the NBC slate.
- Furthermore (wait, there’s more???), NBC has reshuffled this week’s programming due to post-tropical storm Sandy — which pre-empted primetime Monday and Tuesday for much of the northeast and particularly WNBC here in the NYC Tri-State market — and the end result ends Animal Practice before you even thought it would. As in, it’s already over. Instead, NBC is re-airing The Voice on Thursday and bumping 30 Rock up a day into the old Animal Practice time slot.
- Denver-area comedians Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl and Ben Roy, who perform as a trio called The Grawlix, sold a pilot script, Those Who Can’t, to Amazon Studios. It’s based, in part, on their Funny or Die series.
- ABC has won the rights to develop Tribes, a single-cam from Greg Malins, giving it a script commitment with penalty. It’s based on an Israeli comedy, Your Family Or Mine? The concept has episodes that alternate back and forth from one side of a couple’s family to the other’s.