A couple of years ago, comedians Bill Burr, Robert Kelly and Joe DeRosa grew tired of waiting for the phone to ring with news of their next big break. They decided to take matters into their own hands. And after a spirited discussion, Kelly said to the other two: “This is the movie.”
That movie was the 15-minute short film, Cheat, which premiered at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival. You can watch Cheat in full via this link.
That movie attracted offers which led to a book deal, and the comedians celebrated its release earlier this week with a live comedy show, panel and screening of their film. The panel — which featured Kelly and DeRosa (Burr was out of town) with Colin Quinn, Rich Vos and Keith Robinson — consisted mostly of the ball-busting trash talk that these comedians and others love to trade in at the comedians’ table in The Olive Tree Cafe above The Comedy Cellar around the block (the party was held in The Village Underground, run by the same owners as the Cellar).
But enough about them. What about the book? Cheat is a humorous guide to infidelity for men. Emphasis on humorous. It’s a how-to for cheating boyfriends and husbands, and yet, it’s also poking fun at these derelicts, as well as at themselves. Littered throughout the pages are “True Cheat” stories from not only the three stand-up comedian authors, but also from Robinson, Quinn, Vos, morning radio duo Opie and Anthony, Bill Dawes, and Noam Dworman (owner of The Comedy Cellar, Olive Tree Cafe and Village Underground).
Even the promotion for the book through Simon & Schuster is not taking itself seriously. Witness this infomercial in which DeRosa sells yo on the book while Kelly re-enacts a potential cheat scenario with Kelly Fastuca, who is part of Kelly’s podcast team on You Know What Dude! Or an interview conducted by Annie Lederman. Both are NSFW. Roll the clips!
Buy Cheat via Amazon.com: