What do they say about New York City: There are eight million stories, and sometimes it seems as though eight million of the people telling them think they’re comedians? No, that’s not it. It is a fact, though, that America’s biggest city is also its biggest comedy mecca. Hollywood may be Hollywood, but New York City is where comedians are born funny, become funny or arrive to thrust their funny upon us. I think we should meet some of these people. This is a recurring feature, a mini-profile of newcomers, up-and-comers and overcomers of New York’s vibrant comedy scene. It’s called Meet Me In New York.
The last time I saw Pat Dixon onstage, he was videotaping a nearly naked lady who was writhing across a stage while a live audience watched, drank and ate bacon from the back of the theater. Oh. Don’t worry. Nothing criminal took place. He was wearing a suit, for crying out loud! In fact, when Dixon isn’t hosting his monthly (Nearly) Naked Hour: Now With Bacon Bar show at The Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, or touring the country as a stand-up comedian, he’s keeping his eye on the law with his weekly podcast, The New York City Crime Report with Pat Dixon.
He has his own Comedy Central Presents, appearances on late-night TV here and in the U.K., and popped up on your VH1 screens as a talking head or your radios talking with Bob & Tom. But how did Dixon wind up in the big city?
Name: Pat Dixon
Arrival date: April 2006
Arrived from: My car. I mean, I was living in my car.
When and where did you start performing comedy? Chattanooga, Tenn., March 7, 1996
What was your best credit before moving here? Comedy Central Presents
Why did you pick NYC over LA or anywhere else? I wanted to perform a LOT of stand up comedy.
How long did it take to get your first paid gig in NYC after moving here? 3 weeks.
How is this scene better/same/worse than the scene you moved from? I’m really not sure. I’m sorry to give such an anemic answer, but I really just don’t know.
Do you already have an “only in New York City” moment yet? For New York City Crime Report I scheduled an interview with a performance artist named Holly Van Voast. She showed up to our little studio at Cave Comedy Radio and immediately took off her shirt and did the whole interview topless. She has this platinum blond hair, nice tits and she’s drawn a mustache on her lip, like a little twirly one. It could’ve happened somewhere else, but it didn’t.
What tip would you give to any comedian who moves here? Take your time, make friends, watch a lot of comedy. But it depends on if you’re new or whatever.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? NYC!
Dixon’s next (Nearly) Naked Hour: Now with Bacon Bar show at The Creek happens on May 26, 2012. And here is a NSFW video to whet your appetite for that show. Roll it if you’ve got it!
Which NYC comedian would you like to see me style and profile next for Meet Me In New York? Send your nominations to: thecomicscomic AT gmail DOT com