Who decides who’s the best at using Twitter? Exactly.
Nobody knows. Which means everybody can throw their proverbial hats into the three-ring social media circus and make their own proclamations. Which is what the latest edition of kids over at the National Lampoon chose to do with their first-ever Twitter Awards. As they explained, “Since there are awards for everything else in this God-Forsaken world, we’ve decided there should be awards for Twitter also, and we’ve decided we should be the ones to dole them out because… well, just BECAUSE.”
They drew up the categories and nominees, and then over the past month, asked the public to vote for their favorites — which, this being Twitter, would benefit the nominees who plugged the Awards and the Lampoon the most, and had the most loyal Twitter followings.
On Thursday night, they announced the winners, not on Twitter, but on UStream. If you missed it, then just read this list. How do you think they did? What would you do differently if you were handing out Twitter awards?
Twitter King: @robdelaney
Twitter Queen: @kellyoxford
Political Humorist: @theonion
Sports Humorist:
Best Under 40K: @DearAnyone
Best Under 30K:@mrsrupertpupkin
Best Under 20K: @clarkekant
Best Under 10K: @RobinMcCauley
Best Diety: @Jesus_M_Christ
Most Inane: @kimkardashian
Most Insane: @charliesheen
Most Offensive Male: @YourFavWhiteGuy
Most Offensive Female: @jennyjohnsonhi5
Best Talk Show Host: @conanobrien
Best Hall of Famer: @normmacdonald
Best Newcomer: @TheLewisBlack
Most Likely to Tweet Their Suicide Note: @eddiepepitone
Best Company Feed: @funnyordie
Best Stand-Up Comedian: @sarahksilverman
Best Celebrity Sniper: @realjeffreyross
Best Athlete: @miketyson
Best Director: @sethmacfarlane
Best Actor: @willsasso
Best Actress: @sarahksilverman
Best Gay: @jackmackenroth
Best Rich Guy: @mcuban
Best Parent: @dannyzuker
Best Fake Feed: @TheBillWalton
Person You Would Most Like to See Join Twitter: @LarryDavid