Comedy Central kicked off its 2011 season of half-hour "Presents" on Friday night with Tom Segura. If you can imagine Patton Oswalt telling jokes, and also imagine Mike Bridenstine telling jokes, and then imagine the two of them telling jokes at the same time as one person, then you're not confused at all by Segura.
If you're imagining too many voices talking at the same time, then let me help clear things up, with this clip of Segura talking about people who don't have teeth, even when they have many millions of dollars to spend on teeth. Roll it!
If you enjoyed Segura's half-hour CCP, then you'll likely also enjoy his full-length CD, Thrilled, which comes in just shy of an hour from Rooftop Comedy and includes several of the bits you saw on the TV.
Need more convincing? More clips, then!
When Tom Segura talks about doing "something gay," he really means it, as he describes getting caught looking at a bulge in another man's pants.
Segura is like several other comedians who are amazed that a TV show exists called I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. But Segura wants to get a little more real about the series than some audience members maybe want to pretend. Time to get real, people.
Segura also isn't shy about saying the word midget, nor even that other word that a certain little person compared the word midget to. As his closer! Guess which word Comedy Central bleeps and which one it doesn't. Sorry, little people.
The show “I Din’t Know I was Pregnant” is actually mostly white women, but whatever, he needed a way to do that Mexican voice and add a bunch of other done to death hacky stereotypes like ‘black guys raise their kids’ and ‘Puerto Rican’s stab you in broad daylight’.