If you ever wonder what the advertising community thinks about stand-up comedians, well then, just watch the ads that feature stand-ups. I've featured before a Midol campaign that has female stand-ups talking about their periods, and an ad for heartburn featured a guy getting heckled by a male stand-up for daring to leave his seat (heartburn be damned), and now it's Slim-Fast's turn. Need to lose weight fast? Just ask a female stand-up comedian, Slim-Fast says. Because of course the ladies are worried about weight loss. Never us guys. Am I right?
I saw one of these ads last night. There apparently are three in the series, and someone has helpfully uploaded the entire campaign in one video. The Internet has told me that Michelle Maryk and Shari Albert are among the comics featured, but who is the first lady with the British Commonwealth accent? Roll it.
Ugh. Women be jokin’…
These ads are painfully unfunny. I did find Lauren Ashley Bishop’s Midol ad amusing though. She’s just an all around funny person.
Hi, am just wondering if i could get any form of advice from you… I’ve tried different pills and ways to eat healthy still no changes, i just need to reduce my weight, please advice
This is a typical Dutch accent, I would know as I am Dutch…don’t know her though…
I was offended by this campaign’s portrayal of stand up as that boring.
Yes, that English woman is super cute, but her routine is as funny as ulcerative colitis. Who is she?