This should serve as a lesson to all of you sketch groups out there. If you have a great sketch that hits when you perform it live in the theater, then maybe you should consider thinking outside of the black box and filming it in the "real world," then uploading it to the Internet where everyone can see it. That's what Harvard Sailing Team finally did with the gender role reversal scenes earlier this month — and this morning, four of their members appeared live on The Early Show on CBS.
Harry Smith seemed to get a bit carried away with his questioning of the role-playing, because as he says, it mirrors his own view of reality all too well. I would have hoped he had asked them more about the group instead of trying to get them to answer questions as the opposite gender, but hey, they got themselves national TV exposure. So kudos on that. You can see Harvard Sailing Club weekly at The PIT in NYC. Roll the clip!
I’m so glad to read that good ideas get evolved on the internet. This media gives as a huge opportunity to breakout and conquer the world. Keep it going guys.