We all know that hecklers are a scourge upon society and better left unpublicized, because the heckler is usually a person who craves publicity — which makes the vicious circle that much more vicious, particularly when we find out that the heckler in question last night at the Laugh Factory who disrupted a charity event by threatening to use her chain accessories against the performing stand-up was one of MTV's faux celebs, Holly Montag. Yes. Holly Montag, sister of Heidi Montag from The Hills and most recently bringing down the NBC network this summer on I'm A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here with the mere suggestion that she was a celebrity (and forging an alleged relationship with American Idol publicity hound Sanjaya Malakar). Syndeee at gossip blog Hollywire was on the scene and filed a detailed play-by-play of how Montag melted down. That's comedian Chris Franjola (a story producer and regular panelist on E!'s Chelsea Lately) getting chewed out by Montag before security kicked her out. And is that Chelsea Handler's pint-sized sidekick Chuy looking on from front row center?
Interestingly, in this increasingly instant-messaged society, Franjola did not go straight to his Twitter feed to share the news. Instead, here is some footage of Franjola trying to make sense of what just happened from the stage itself:
she isn’t a celebrity, not even her sister, nevermind if she’s the pretiest girl i have ever see!