I'm enjoying my time in Austin, Texas, and will have a full report for you soon enough. But first, here's a portion of a chat I had last night with Bryson Turner after he won the 24th annual Funniest Person in Austin contest. Each winner gets handed that cape and crown, and jokes aplenty were made about the condition of said cape and crown. Turner is a recent transplant to Austin's comedy scene — he's from the Pittsburgh area and formed his early stand-up start in D.C. Here, let him explain how he has settled in nicely enough in Austin, and why he chose the Texas capital to grow his career as a comedian (includes a few choice words):
OK. So we won't bore you with more chitty-chat. Instead, enjoy some of Turner's comedy. The final sets from the FPIA contest aren't up yet, but here is his performance from an earlier round that covers pretty much the same ground (slightly NSFW):
I can say that I had the pleasure of seeing him in DC. He deserves the success and I hope he continues to do well.