When I saw The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was going live last night on Comedy Central, at first I lowered my expectations, because their live editions in the past on election nights have been, well, not so funny. And this was the inauguration of President Barack Obama. How would they make us laugh last night? Turns out they did more than just fine. They had help, of course. Dick Cheney in a wheelchair?! The show had Wyatt Cenac reporting live from the Youth Ball, telling us we finally had a cool president, and not merely just the first black president. The rest seemed just like a regular standard funny edition of the show that happened to air live. Jason Jones, after a segment showing Obama's address was more similar to Bush's address than you might think, wailing: "Why is cheese delicious on Italian food, but when you melt it on Chinese food, it's disgusting!?" Bishop Gene Robinson getting in a zinger about queens, and he didn't mean royalty. Watch the full episode here.
Related: Yesterday, Variety also published a full section celebrating Jon Stewart's 10th anniversary with the show.