HBO has made some new pickups in TV for 2009 and beyond, and one of the new series will delight fans of Zach Galifianakis. The Hollywood Reporter reports that HBO has ordered eight episodes of Bored to Death, a series starring Jason Schwartzman as a struggling thirtysomething Brooklyn writer with a drinking
problem (it's not based on me, no matter what you think!) who, wanting to be more like Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett, takes out an ad pretending to be a private detective and starts taking on cases. Galifianakis co-stars in the pilot. Let us all hope that Zach enjoys this TV experience much more than Tru Calling (or even Dog Bites Man).
Jonathan Ames wrote and served as executive producer for the pilot, along with Sarah Condon, Dave
Becky, Stephanie Davis and Troy Miller.