If, after having extended your Thanksgiving weekend visit with your parents in Massachusetts, you should find yourself in Harvard Square on a Wednesday evening and decide to stop in The Comedy Studio to see if you can catch Brian Kiley's set and say hi to Rick Jenkins and the gang, please remember that Jenkins will immediately go onstage and introduce you, expecting you to tell jokes that very second, whether you're ready or not — and even if you didn't ask to — so you should prepare some material next time just in case, instead of stammering your way through whatever bits pop into your head and hoping the audience laughs along with the weirdness of the moment.
P.S. The Comedy Studio's annual holiday show and post-show party is Dec. 21 hosted by The Walsh Brothers with special guest Tony V and just about everyone else in the Boston scene, so if you can make it back for that, you'll be happier for it. Thanks.