Just a quick note on this Thanksgiving morning to express my dearest thanks and gratitude to all of you who have supported me in the past year. When I left my day job a few days before Thanksgiving 2007, I did not know quite what to expect, and certainly could not have predicted the year that was. From the highs of meeting and in some cases becoming friend, critic and counsel to some of your favorite comedians, to the lows of seeing my entire life savings dwindle down to zero, and all of the adventures and misadventures in between, I have much to be thankful for today. Thank you to the comedians who have opened up your lives to me, becoming not only regular subjects in The Comic's Comic, but also regular readers of it. Thank you to the comedians across the country and around the world who have found the site, whether through word of mouth or Google alerts, and who have come back to read about others in the industry. Thank you to the readers and comedy fans who have come here looking for more in-depth information about the comedians you love to laugh with, and leaving your opinions in the comments or emailing me with your questions to pass along. Thank you to my friends who still have not laughed me out of my decision to launch The Comic's Comic and my passionate belief that the funny business deserves serious news coverage as much as any other performing art. And I owe much more than thanks to my parents, who have stood by me and my cause, even though my economic plight is not likely to receive a government bailout. I couldn't do this without you.
Thank you for reading and supporting The Comic's Comic. I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for all your hard work Sean, keep it up. Here’s to a great 2009 for The Comic’s Comic!