Judging from my own Web stats, more people took the time Sunday night than Saturday to check out the debut of D.L. Hughley’s new hourlong CNN talk show, D.L. Hughley Breaks the News. In fact, that’s when I sat down to watch the full hour myself. And my initial ruling fits with my expectations expressed earlier. The monologue and the first scripted bits felt stilted, as if they were trying too hard (sorry, Donnell Rawlings, but nice try as Freddie Mack the pimp, and the CNN "truth squad" interruption was simply lame) and having Hughley deliver his monologue directly into the camera instead of to the audience lacked the same punch as his stand-up. That said, it was refreshing to hear a comedian acknowledge how the industry can be financially rewarding, as Hughley joked that Obama’s plan to tax those who make more than $250,000 a year would hurt him, too! And after the first few segments, Hughley hit his stride in a series of one-on-one interviews with CNN’s Ali Velshi, scientist Neil Tyson, the woman who beat Sarah Palin for Miss Alaska, and CNN correspondents from India, Russia and China. Also, that taped field piece to a Palin rally in North Carolina must be watched to be believed. So, CNN, stop trying so hard to force the funny, and just, as the sports reporters say, let Hughley be Hughley. Want to see some footage from the debut? Here you go…
UPDATED: Also reviewed the second week’s episode here.
Hughley’s full interview with former Bush White House press secretary Scott McClellan:
Hughley talks to CNN correspondents from Russia, China and India:
Hughley talks to CNN’s Ali Velshi, plus "Freddie Mack":
And if you didn’t watch it earlier, Hughley visits a Sarah Palin rally in North Carolina:
I’m a 37 year old black woman and I find D.L. Hughley’s CNN Show highly offensive.
I think that D.L. should be ashamed of himself. As well noted on other blogs, African Americans have fought so long to eliminate the sterotypes placed on us and for him to get in front of the world and enforce them is a shame. I am utterly disappointed!
What a shame… I thought DL missed the opportunity to exhibit Blacks in a positive light. (A potential black president, black scientist) All ethnicites are suffering finacially. We don’t need a pimp to explain economic turmoil; furthermore, it’s no laughing matter. CNN should be ashamed of themselves. This was a miserable attempt to be “cutting edge, “fresh” and all the other spin terminolgy you can condure. This should not be aired on the “Most Trusted Name in News” or on any other station. A word to the stand-up comedian…Sit down!!
Please, please, please…if this is going to be the format of the show, then it needs to be canceled right not! This is not the time nor the place for such sterotypes. DL Hughley, give the spotlight to another African American who can represent us the way we need to be represented around the world.
I am a 37 y/o female bi-racial American and I support Obama. I took the show for what it was. When Senator Obama becomes President, he will be the center of many jokes like every President before him. Does Barack Obama being black make him exempt from the regular jokes and jarring that every American President has endured? DL Hughley was dealing the hand that he was dealt. I have to admit that it is awkward seeing a show with that format on CNN but I am hopeful they will do more tweaking before the next episode.
By the way, has anyone seen “Chocolate News” on Comedy Central. Watch that show and you will be pleased with DL Hughley.
Shame on you CNN. DL Hughley’s show is not suitable for the renowned journalistic integrity that peaple expect from CNN. It is a show for Comedy Central (like David Alan Greir’s show). It is nice for the network to want to find “FUN” in the, but not like this. This show is TERRIBLE, the format stinks, it seemed like the show was unprepared and the audience seemed phony. I was very offened by the off color skits. I enjoy CNN, please don;t make me lose respect for the network.
Thanks for all of the comments. To me, it really seemed like two different shows competing for attention. The first half featured some rather sorry attempts at humor that not only seemed out of place on CNN but also unwanted. Then there were some interview segments that proved insightful and amusing, because Hughley sincerely interacted with news people and real people. As I wrote initially, if they can drop that forced racial-based humor that just doesn’t belong on a news channel (or really anywhere), and let Hughley be naturally funny, they can fix this show. I wonder what the execs at CNN think…
Please, please, please remove DL Hugley’s new program. Now or never is the time for this brand of “comedy”. It is racist and inappropriate. I am appalled that CNN, the leader in news would air this programming. All this man does in play on the stereotypes we as blacks try so hard to discourage. He is one giant step backwards to where we need to be. In a day where even the possibility of a black president is here, the last thing we need is this buffoon picking fun and bringing us down. GET HIM OFF PLEASE!!!
DL Hughley’s program should be called “The Modern Day Minstrel Show.” DL should really be ashamed of himself for selling out. I feel terrible for you brother and hope you do some real soul searching.
DL Hughley’s program should be called “The Modern Day Minstrel Show.” DL should really be ashamed of himself for selling out. I feel terrible for you brother and hope you do some real soul searching.
In the words of Joe Biden: ‘Is this a joke?’ Really, this show can’t be real nor is it funny. D.L. Hughley should have never been allowed to speak in any forum on CNN and heaven forbid if their audience thinks he represents anyone except himself. I’m forever changing the channel.
Oh my Gosh! What do we have to do? What do we have to say? Who do we need to contact to cancel this show? I am so tired of hearing and seeing black men on television use profanity. That’s one of the reasons why I do not frequent black movies. CNN you have done a great job previewing intelligent black men and women. You missed it on this guy. This is not a news show, I frankly don’t know what it is.
I am so wanting this show cancelled! For so many reasons. I think this show is CNN’s modern ministrel show. It is insulting and he needs to find a different venue to earn his cash.
I love DL’s new show, it was funny as hell. I’m 26 & Black & it’s funnier then Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, & Colbert. Wake up crazies it’s comedy besides DL is the only one of them that can make Black jokes without ridicule. Remember Obama did SNL was that apalling? IDIOTS!
What?! Im watching this garbage show right now and I cannot believe CNN would approve of this. Im embarrassed and disappointed with DL. I am a 23 year old black college grad and to see something so distasteful really contradicts everything black scholars have worked for. IF DL comes on and has something insightful to talk about, that would be great for our image. But putting this crap on CNN is ridiculous. Its not even funny. Everything is centered around black people this white, people that. When are we gonna let that go? We strive so hard for equality ect. but are the main ones illuminating for differences. Ugh.
It’s a really horrible show.
D L keeps reminding us that he only has a G.E.D. and it shows. He constantly goes for the lowest common denominator.
It’s odd that with the win of Obama, CNN would choose someone who would portray the black community as ghetto.
It’s a really horrible show.
D L keeps reminding us that he only has a G.E.D. and it shows. He constantly goes for the lowest common denominator.
It’s odd that with the win of Obama, CNN would choose someone who would portray the black community as ghetto.
Although the program not so funny, but somehow CNN’s leaders decided that it’s funny and that it is appropriate to diversify some of the seriousness of this busy news channel.
This is the first step, maybe a bit failed, for a little variety and interest in news channels.
So that we all just have to just hope that later it will get better!