So, yes, The Comic’s Comic has left the big city for more than a few days and ventured out in the world again, this time that part of the world existing north of Boston, where mirth and merriment can indeed exist in the Merrimack Valley if Ricky Gervais decides to write and co-direct his first feature film there. And yet, I keep missing Gervais and his varied comedic crew by just that much. He and the crew of "This Side of the Truth" were in Lowell on Tuesday, while I was stuck in Boston on an all-day quest for truth and justice. Reports had him filming in Haverhill on Thursday, and I was a couple of towns away, but apparently a day late since he’s such a quick worker! He’d filmed that scene and moved on back to Lowell, where he’d been havin’ a laugh at the expense of co-star Jason Bateman. At least Gervais left me this photo of him and Louis CK to put a smile on my face. Still holding out hope for a chance encounter over the weekend, if the comedy gods allow it.
Yes, Louis CK shaved. He has blogged about that and more, as well.