Brian Williams didn’t have to do a lot of heavy lifting, as they say, hosting Saturday Night Live over the weekend. And why should he have to? It’s not as if he had a more important nightly gig on the network to report to? Oh, right. Anyhow.
For reasons I’ve yet to decipher, the show’s political sketches often miss the mark and run long (or feel long) in the process. Even when Sen. Barack Obama makes a surprise cameo. With a presidential campaign cycle about to hit its stride, it’s natural for SNL to want to weigh in, but where’s the jokes?
On that note, enjoy this funny parody of Apple’s current iPhone ad campaign. Note to NBC: Hurry up with the Hulu, already, so we can get embedded video back. Thanks.
Next week’s show reportedly includes host The Rock and musical guest Amy Winehouse, but methinks the WGA strike might put the ol’ kibosh on that.