Craigslist missed comedy connections

(Note: If you’re looking for Nick Thune’s Missed Connections comedy song, as several readers who reach this post via Google search already have done so, then you need to click here for my report on his Comedy Central half-hour)

If kids say the darnedest things, then Craigslist ads must be written by kids. How else to explain or comprehend the following two ads found this week on the New York City classifieds boards for TV jobs? Remember, these are actual ads. And they’re not kidding. Although. And yet. After reading both ads more than a few times, I’m still unclear as to deciding which one of these comedy-seekers is more hopelessly off-base.

Exhibit A (alternate title Exhibit LCS): "Casting Funny/Wacky People for NBC!!!" Reply to:
Date: 2008-01-30, 3:10PM EST
We are casting Last Comic Standing and we need more visual comedy.

Casting Funny Wacky people. We want people who are going to make us laugh. Do you have a wacky thing you do? Are you funny? Are you wacky? We are casting Last Comic Standing and we need more visual comedy.

Do you have a costume? Do you juggle? Do you have props or a special act? How are you going to make us laugh?


City you’re in:
Why are you funny/ wacky?

Exhibit B(ET): "Clean Comedy Needed" Reply to:
Date: 2008-01-29, 6:01PM EST

10 minutes of clean comedy needed by an experienced BET/DEF Comedy Jam comic for a Christian Talk Show that will air on Manhattan Cable Access TV and Bronx Cable Access TV.
This is a reoccurring monthly gig.

  • Compensation: $50

Yes, really. Those were both on Craigslist. NBC, the Peacock Network, needs more visuals! It’s not enough to hear jokes. We need to see them! For anyone clueless enough to respond to this ad, you’re in effect setting yourself up for a big fall when NBC records your "wacky" antics — and since when is juggling considered either wacky or funny? no really, that’s more of an America’s Got Talent also-ran, wouldn’t you figure? — and decides to rebroadcast and transmit your wackiness across the globe, they’re going to do so in a mocking manner that makes everyone you haven’t met believe you are the village idiot, which of course, you kinda sorta are for answering this ad in the first place. Why are you funny/wacky, indeed?

The second ad defies logic itself. Because if you’re looking for 10 minutes of "clean comedy" for a "Christian Talk Show" that will air on public access cable TV, the first place you’ll look for this is from someone who has been experienced in the ways of "DEF Comedy Jam." I could go on, but it would be as pointless as putting this ad on Craigslist.

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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